Figure it out Together

You should learn to talk, and make people listen to you

Imagine how it would have been difficult for human beings to communicate and do things together if words didn’t exist. What if we didn’t have the build-in capacity of speaking? 

I bet it might have been difficult to build the pyramids and build these magnificent buildings; and possibly invent things. 

You can talk, I can talk, we can all talk! Now what! 

I can imagine how we take it for granted but never think about what life would have been if we didn’t have the build-in capacity of speaking. 

Writing is great, but some ideas are well communicated in spoken words. No, I mean, some people are more moved by spoken words than writ ten words. 

Why is this…. 

When you speak, don’t ever tell yourself that what matters is what you’re saying; pay close attention to how you saying it. The voice is an amazing mover of human beings that we have to talk to people if you want to persuade them to do things for you. 

Tracing back the idea of EDUCATION, in Ancient Greece  “Who Invented School?”: A History of Classroom EducationHorizon Educational…, , boys from wealthy families were sent to study philosophy and rhetoric. It was believed back then that if you want to be powerful and influential, you had to understand rhetoric. This idea of mastering speaking was so relevant back then as it is today as well. 

It’s easy, check it out by yourself. 

Politicians… one of the best qualities or best predicator of a successful politicians is being able to speak and make people listen to you, and eventually be persuaded to follow you. You can achieve the same success in other  ways, in best pieces of writings, pieces of written speeches,! But ONLY in speeches, people will feel moved and connect with you in real time. 

I am not and you are probably not from a wealthy family but of course we can build wealthy families, our wealthy families. We can absolutely learn to speak. Words are so powerful that can build or break someone. 

We like it or not, We f*cking have to learn how to speak and talk to people. 

— Jado