Figure it out Together


I have no doubts! 


If you are anything like me, young and ambitious possibly, you are sick of trying to find your life vision; the meaning of your life. 

It now makes sense to me. I mean the statement that’ thinking about pain is more painful than the pain itself’. It hurts for sure when you are also know that that pain is unavoidable. It might be better to not think about the pain but actually and face the pain. 


It might be the same as life;  you might spend hours and hours trying to find the meaning of your life, the direction of your life. But rather, it might be worth considering actually living the life and figure the vision of your life as you live. The life is so complicated because who can raise the right hand and say I have been able to master this life of mine. I am afraid I can’t. 

But think about this – 

We are one being composed of three beings working together. Body, Soul and Spirit (BSS). No wonder I can’t raise my hand to say that I have mastered what I am made of. I am actually interested in those who can say that they have mastered this. 

No wonder the life is hard especially when you try to think about living the life instead of living the life itself. 


You can choose to be a merchant who decided to keep thinking about going to Mecca instead of actually going there because he is afraid that when he realised his dream, then he is done. He has no other motivation to keep living day after day. But he missed the point. You aim at something but pay close attention to the journey itself. It might be more than getting to Mecca but the journey from your home to Mecca is more than getting to Mecca, the final destination. Who do you become throughout the journey?

The sherperd who sold his sheep to go find his treasure in a foreign land. 


He learned more than the merchant, the Englishman who decided not to find the alchemist himself… finding the treasure, finding your treasure is not about the final hour when you find your treasure but the journey to your treasure. 


For quite sometime, I have been thinking about the vision of my life, trying to think when I am going to find a direction that I can commit to follow in my life; I have to admit that I was wrong. I would have been strong enough to live a life and along the way I am sure the universe will see that you are trying and it will guide you along the journey. I ACTUALLY believe this! 

Life is a journey, make sure you don’t miss a thing!


PS. The foundation of the idea of life as a journey was borrowed from The Alchemist book by Paulo Coelho 



— Jado